Friday, March 20, 2009

My G.S. Project

(Since I didn't receive any evaluation so here I write for you to grade me>>>
Do give your valuable input!)

I change myself I change the world.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki (1945), Global warming (1900), Russia – Georgia conflict (2008), Israel- Gaza war (2008), Mumbai terror siege (2008), Mumbai serial blasts (1993)……
Are all my fault.
I am the youth, ever so late-learning, ignorant, headstrong, argumentative and hypocritical. Therefore I am to blame.
Every time I litter, doze-off with the T.V. on, ride my motorcycle for mere show off, bathe myself with deodorant, scoff at a non A.C. bus, criticize the government yet make no effort to change it, forget to vote and much more. I kill another tree, imperil my kind furthermore, murder another Georgian or Israeli, invite another terrorist and ruin mother nature who has forever nurtured. I am the culprit and I only who can shut this Pandora’s box.
Let me battle and fight, raze everything off the surface of the earth and then muse in retrospect, about mine evil commitments. For it is me who dons the virtue of a rhino unless time rips it off me skin.
I cannot remember when last I used a dust-bin. Maybe, on the environment day but you must understand that I haven’t any choice, my life is fast and I’d rather save those few seconds to earn some money instead of walking to the disposal.
I cut a tree every year for Christmas, it’s a ball! But little do I notice the diminishing snowfall or the hotter sun.
Most say, humans will learn but only at the brink of annihilation. I shall too, and until then remain blissfully ignorant of mother earth getting ravaged, every passing hour. If I must, I will blame the world and vow to change, all so superficially. But when it comes to changing myself I shall not budge, I love myself a little too much!

It is a pity how the world is turning out today. How fresh minds are molded into such immoral contraptions and so efficiently that it seldom changes. It is as well said, ‘a world of cut-throat competition’. Everybody sets off on their path to make a difference at the earliest. However the only difference they create is to the environment, that too a pitiable one. They want to change the world in lieu of recognition but little do they realize that
‘The best preacher is most often the best follower.’ Their blood boils with anger at indifference and yet they do not realize that it is at their fault that nobody follows, one must be the best example of his/her own principles to make others believe in them. At this point we may consider a story, quite well known but simply a reiteration.

Mahatma Gandhi, the father of our nation, an august personality himself, at the peak of his struggle for Swaraj, became a common counsel to the distressed and oppressed Indians. So he was, for a middle class wife of a Gujrati merchant, she came to him with a unique request. Her ten year old son had developed a persistent habit of eating sweets in large quantities, it had already taken a toll on his health a few times earlier, but as he grew his hunger did too. She asked him for a solution as though he were some sort of magician. He asked her to return after a few days, however when the woman returned she received the same reply. This went on for two more times, until she visited him for the 4th time. Gandhi then told her son with much satisfaction, to stop eating sweets as it would affect his health, adversely. When asked why he gave this suggestion to the boy he confessed that he too was fond of sweets and preaching others its ills would be blatant hypocrisy. She got her answer and went back home an enlightened mother.

It is thus said most rightly that changing a person is as difficult as changing a habit but changing a world of humans is as good as changing oneself. In this context it is only appropriate to discuss another example.

There once lived a young man who was determined to change the world in his twenties. “ All is not well with the world let me change it” said he. He tried repeatedly but failed, in his forties however he learned that he cannot change the world. So he said, “If I can’t change the world, let me at least change my country.” He tries yet again till his sixties but fails. Upon realization of his inability he says, “If not my country let me at least change my village.” Once again trial precedes defeat and he concludes, “In my eighties let me at least change my family.” Once more he tries but fails. Finally in his nineties he says, “In my deathbed I can’t even change my family let me at least change myself.” But behold the angel of death was knocking at the door saying his time was up. As he was dying he said, “If and only if I had tried to change myself first, there would have been at least one changed man.”

On an introspective note, all of us dream but the greatness of Mahatma Gandhi is almost intangible. Yet if one develops extreme will-power, determination, morality and invulnerability one may always outshine the greatest of them all, be it nelson Mandela or Gandhi. Today, the community is global and platforms are much greater forums, indiscriminate as they are they are also accessed by media all around the world. It is therefore easier today than it was 50 or 70 years back when these leaders rose. But if one forgets, the key is to change yourself only when you are at fault and not at the cost of one’s integrity.

Having discussed that, we may infer that at the brink of the apocalypse there is a dearth of such leaders. Such leaders can be created, but doing so is inculcating a few basic values, in its course the essay shall now elaborate these. The basic definitions of the change we talk about here are these values. So to change oneself, one must also know in which way the change is to be directed. To begin with, a changed person is also referred as ‘ignited mind’. And to brew a perfect ‘ignited mind’, we need exact proportions of:
These ingredients seem to be inaccessible but it is quite the opposite. These can be inculcated even at a tender age, the only pre-requisite being parental support and a good primary school teacher. In the words of our former president Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

Where there is righteousness in the heart
There is beauty in character.
When there is beauty in character,
There is harmony in home.
When there is harmony in the home,
There is order in the nation.
When there is order in the nation,
There is peace in the world.

Learning gives creativity
Creativity leads to thinking.
Thinking provides knowledge
Knowledge makes you great.

Courage to think different,
Courage to invent,
Courage to travel into an unexplored Earth,
Courage to discover the impossible,
Courage to combat the problems
And succeed, are the unique qualities of the youth.
As a youth of the world,
I will work and work with courage to achieve success in all the missions of planet Earth.

These are the ways the changes can affect you. And the changes can be as little as quitting smoking so as to warn your children about the perils of not doing so. If however you believe that you can reproach your children for bad habits which you have in common with them, it is a fools deal you are making for they will just do the opposite of what you tell them to do. And besides not all of us desire to be world leaders, we can just be the perfect family leader, or an ideal village leader, else an efficient country leader, or perhaps if I’m wrong a historic world leader!


  1. :).....
    A+....All d way...
    hope u find the strenght to follow this principle..
    and a reco,
    if u havent already read it...i.e
    plz read.."atlas shrugged"...ayn rand....
    i hope u enjoy it as much i is a sort of "bhagwad geetha" to me....
    keep writing!!!

  2. thnk you so much!!
    it's an inspiration to read your comments....n i'll try to read it, atlas shrugged.
